About Us

To make our children life-ready, Life Skills play a critical role beyond the academic learning of Mathematics, Science & Arts. While these subjects are the source of knowledge, Life Skills such as Thinking Skills, Emotional Skills and Social Skills help in application of this acquired knowledge in real life.

Hurray Kids is an educational venture born with the mission to educate our children from 2-10 years on Life Skills in a simple & joyful manner by partnering with parents & schools. Early learning orients the child to be emotionally balanced, socially adaptable and to think & decide independently.

Hurray Kids follows World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended Life Skills framework for product design. These products are Life Skills Orientation kit, Life Skills Worksheets and Life Skills Curriculum for preschools.

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If you are imparting Life Skills education to the child, then you are preparing the child for life, equipping with skills to face the real world and its challenges. These skills are beyond the regular academic learning and needs to be complemented with regular schooling and parenting.

I am passionate about children's education and am of the firm belief that education should prepare children for life. Having worked in the various domain of education- pre-school teaching, personality development and management of education in social sector, I have seen the impact of life skills education on children very closely. Though have always found that this life skills education is widely missed out and inadequately offered in children's education programs and schools, it is equally missed out by parents too in their parenting ways.

Hence I started my own venture on life skills education - Hurray Kids in Nov 2016. This idea of Hurray Kids got triggered more when I could not find relevant educational aids on life skills for my child few years back. Hence, started my first indigenous entrepreneurial venture born out of my love and interest to educate children on life skills in a simple and joyful manner.

Hurray Kids is dedicated to promote life skills among children for the ages 2-10 yrs old. These life skills are beyond regular academics and empower us to face the real world - the world which is full of possibilities as well as problems too. Children need to learn how to reason, take decisions, work in teams, deal with failures, empathize with others etc - these are exactly what Life Skills education teaches.

Life skills education should start early as the formative years of education forms the core of child's personality and help the child grow into responsible, compassionate, resilient and well-adjusted adult.

Hurray Kids is my dream to create a world for children where they are nurtured to face the real world and grows to their full potential.

Somapika Sarkar

Somapika Sarkar

Life Skills Educationist,
Ex-social sector professional and teacher,
Edupreneur and a Hurray Kids parent